‘JUNGLE PROTOCOL’ Beirut | 2016
Throughout the history of the human race, man’s fascination with fire has defined the growth of our culture. Ever since we have mastered to control it, mankind’s ethos was born. From cooking food to keeping warm, from creating tools to weapons, fire has been at the core of our evolution. Both a sacred symbol of purity and an instrument of terror, our fascination with fire has been rooted in us since the very first stages of our kind.
‘Blaze’ is a collection of mirrors in glass and oxidized, wax casted bronze designed for the 2016 Design Biennial of House of Today. Revisiting the notion of communion and elements, the pieces explore through their process and material a journey of primal enticement in view of recreating our primitive creative urge through this almost hypnotic tool that has come to define our history.
Photo Credit: Marco Pinarelli